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what you need to know about our newest exclusive service the "It girl facial"

Updated: May 10, 2023

before and after bb glow skin treatment

Want to wake up with clean flawless foundation-like skin?

Our “It Girl” Facial Has rapidly become one of the most hyped treatments in our salon. The “IT GIRl” Facial Is a treatment that combines permanent makeup with micro-needling to recreate the look of foundation, highlight and contour. Have you ever imagined being able to wake up with clean flawless foundation-like skin? Unbelievable, but it’s true. It is now safe and possible due to the latest Korean technology. bb glow calgary

What is “IT GIRL” Facial ?

“IT GIRL” Facial is a combination of powerful tinted serum applied using Microneedling method - аn іntеnѕіvе ѕkіn treatment thаt uѕеѕ ѕtаtе-оf-thе-аrt tесhnоlоgу to реnеtrаtе fіrѕt lауеrѕ of the skin with microneedles which are rapidly released from a Microneedling pen (don’t worry - it’s painless!).
One of the main benefits of basic micro-needling is stimulation of nаturаl соllаgеn production and skin rejuvenation, where the “IT GIRL” Facial serum adds incredible nutrients and most importantly the color tint you desire.

What Issues Does the “IT GIRL” Facial Target?

The “It Girl” Facial can diminish:
Discoloration (redness, age spots, dark undereye circles, freckles, etc.)
Acne scars
Fine lines and wrinkles
Large pores
Dull, dehydrated skin
It improves the overall state and appearance of the skin by giving a brightening effect and increasing the production of collagen and elastin.

Who Is a Candidate for the “IT GIRL” Facial?

Anyone who’s dealing with any of the skin issues listed above and who wants to improve their overall skin state.

Who Isn’t a Candidate for the “IT GIRL” Facial?

Due to the nature of the application and the pigmented serums used, the "IT Girl" Facial isn’t suitable for clients who are:
pregnant or nursing
undergoing cancer treatment
suffering from skin conditions like Psoriasis, Rosacea, active acne, etc.
suffering from any infection
prone to keloid scarring
prone to allergies to cosmetic products
taking blood-thinning medications
taking Accutane

Does the “IT GIRL” Facial Hurt?
No. The tips of the tiny needles on a micro-needling pen are extremely thin, and as such, the cuts made are so tiny they don’t hurt.

How Many “IT GIRL” Facial Session Do I Need?

Since the pigmented serum is injected into the epidermis layer, so very shallow into the skin, its saturation is built up over time. Likewise, micro-needling improves the texture and state of the skin gradually. Therefore, the “IT GIRL” Facial is done over a course of 2-10 sessions, depending on the severity of the skin issues targeted. Most clients need 3-5 to achieve the desired result. Significant improvement is visible after the first session, but the longevity of the results is ensured through multiple treatments.

How Long Do the Effects of the “IT GIRL” Facial Last?

The longevity of the “IT GIRL” Facial results is 4-8 months, depending primarily on how many sessions you got in the series – the more sessions, the longer they’ll last. They may even last out longer.


Here are the rules of “IT GIRL” Facial aftercare:

Don’t touch your face for a few days
Keep your face dry for at least 24 hours (no washing, but also no sweating)
After 24 hours, wash your face with lukewarm water and mild soap for a few days (avoid harsh products)
No makeup for at least 2 day
No swimming for 7 days
No sunlight exposure for a few days; after that, wear SPF when you’re outside
No facials and harsh skincare for at least 2 weeks
No vitamin C or retinol for at least 8 weeks (these can speed up pigment fading)


If уоu are tired of daily foundation applications and are looking for a safe, еffесtіvе, аnd lоng-lаѕtіng ѕоlutіоn, The “IT GIRL” Facial treatment is thе rіght сhоісе fоr уоu.
On the upside you can rеѕtоrе your ѕkіn’ѕ youthful glоw, rеduсе thе арреаrаnсе оf асnе ѕсаrѕ, frесklеѕ, wrinkles, and bring out the nаturаl bеаutу оf your ѕkіn promoting long term anti-aging benefits. The only downside is that it comes with a noticeable price tag. It is up to you to decide if the treatment is worth it. As for us, we say YES! At this moment in time, this treatment does not have an alternative.
Who doesn’t want a doll face with anti-aging effects all in one? Now you can surely have your cake and eat it too!
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