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Mat Pilates

Reformer Pilates

(coming soon)
Mat Pilates is a versatile form of exercise performed solely on a mat, emphasizing bodyweight resistance and controlled movements to enhance strength, flexibility, and body awareness. While minimal equipment is required, common additions include:
1. **Exercise Mat:** Provides support for various floor exercises.

2. **Resistance Bands:** Adds resistance to target specific muscle groups.

3. **Pilates Magic Circle (Ring):** Provides resistance for various exercises.

4. **Small Props (balls, blocks):** Enhances support or intensifies movements.

5. **Pilates Strap:** Aids in stretching and flexibility.

6. **Weights:**  added resistance and muscle toning. Mat Pilates caters to all fitness levels, offering a pathway to improved core strength, posture, and overall conditioning without the need for elaborate equipment.
Reformer Pilates provides a wide range of benefits, such as enhanced core strength, flexibility, posture, muscle tone, and mind-body connection. It’s also effective for rehabilitation and stress relief. The equipment used in reformer Pilates includes the reformer itself, which consists of a moving carriage, adjustable springs, straps, and pulleys. Additionally, accessories like the footbar, jump board, and hand/foot straps are commonly used to add variety and resistance to the exercises.
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