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non surgical bbl in calgary edmonton and vancouver

NON SURGICAL BBL & HIP DIPS CORRECTION in Calgary Edmonton and Vancouver 

 What is Non-Surgical bbl 
Our non surgical bbl / Hip dip correction is a  FDA approved noninvasive body enhancement technique that helps to reduce the look of cellulite & reshape your body via a vacuum mechanical device equipped with suction cups to lift the skin over your buttocks and or hips It then massages the tissues with mechanical rollers 1 session is equivalent to 1,000 squats. A Non-Surgical  butt lift is significantly different from a Brazilian butt lift—a procedure that involves suctioning or removing fat out of one area of the body and injecting or transferring it into your butt cheeks.  Non-Surgical Bbl, on the other hand, is noninvasive.
Arguably one of the most gatekeept services in the world , this service originally entered the market during the 1970s as a way to help treat  dimples, hip dips and unevenness in patients who already underwent  Bbl’s with inconsistent results, this service has now becoming more accessible to the general public 
During a Non-Surgical Bbl session, one large suction cup is placed on each butt cheek or hips. The suction machine is then turned on and adjusted to a level that is comfortable for you. The suction cups are clear to allow your technician to see how your skin is responding to treatment.
Treatment times vary but generally last around 60-90 minutes. After your session, you'll be encouraged to drink a lot of water to help flush toxins out of your body. There's no required "downtime" after treatment, but if you experience discomfort, it might also be helpful to rest until the side effects have subsided and avoid exercise until the following day.
Initial treatments are performed one or two times per week, for a total of six to 10 sessions. After this point, monthly sessions are recommended to help maintain your results.
Possible Benefits 

  • Firmer skin

  • Increased skin elasticity (less "sagging")

  • Decreased muscle tension and soreness

  • Improved blood circulation and removal of toxins

  • Larger, rounder-looking butt & hips for a figure 8 look 

  • Reduced the look of cellulite 

  • Motivates you to live a healthy lifestyle to maintain your results 

  • Gives you more confidence in your body 

Side Effects
Because this is a noninvasive, or nonsurgical, procedure, there are minimal negative side effects. It does not typically cause pain, although you might have momentary discomfort when the suction is first started or turned off. 
Your legs and thighs may feel tired as if you just did a work out , Your skin might also feel "tight" or "tingly," or look a little puffy immediately after treatment, but this is temporary, it can also cause temporary redness in the affected area, but it doesn't usually last 
Results can be  permanent
How long do the results  last? The results vary from person to person and because the treatment is non-surgical, results are semi-permanent. It typically lasts up to 6 months.
The great thing about this service is With proper maintenance  via  adequate water intake , great diet , work out routines and healthy lifestyle after your vacuum therapy treatments, your result can be permanent! The key is to incorporate hips & butt focused exercises adding weights or resistance to your routine to build muscle over your results before they fade away. 
Managing Expectations 
Non-Surgical Bbl yields different results on different bodies as we all have different  genetics & lifestyles results will not be as drastic as a surgical butt lift. Plan to invest in six to eight treatments to determine what your results will be. However, even with this investment, Non-Surgical Bbl is still significantly cheaper than surgical methods of butt enhancement.
Non-Surgical Bbl is a relatively safe way to alter the look of your buttocks. This can also be achieved through less costly means, such as exercise or the use of shape wear under your clothing. However, if you're looking for long-term or permanent results, you might want to consider a surgical butt lift procedure.


  • Diet - Avoid alcoholic beverages before and after the day of your treatment. We also recommend you reduce fatty foods and sugared carbohydrates and increase lean protein, fruit, and vegetable intake while on our program for best results.

  • Exercise - You should be doing glute-focused exercises regularly to improve your results.  

  • No eating at least 1 hour before your appointment 

  • Drink at least 2 ltrs of water a day before and after your appointments 

  •  Hydrate - After receiving treatment of the  buttocks lift, it is recommended to drink a substantial amount of water to aid in the removal of bodily toxins and improve lymphatic drainage. 

  • Massage - Use a firming gel or oil and massage the treated areas following your session. 

  • Icing - Please ice after your treatment to reduce any swelling, stiffness, or bruising. 


NON-SURGICAL LIPOSUCTION in Calgary, Edmonton vancouver 

non surgical liopsuction in calgary edmonton and vancouver

What is Non-Surgical Liposuction
You may have heard of fat burning treatments that can help remove stubborn body fat that no matter how much you exercise just won’t go away… in fact, even celebrities such as model and presenter Lisa Snowdon are raving about this treatment! Non-Surgical Liposuction also known ass Ultrasonic Cavitation and Radio-frequency treatment is a non-surgical fat removal procedure that uses scientifically proven non-invasive technology to break down unwanted fat whilst the radio frequency is a non-invasive heat treatment that helps tighten, contour and refine deeper lines of the skin over the face and body.
How does it work?
This treatment uses three types of technology-
Lymphatic massage - Lymphatic drainage massage, also known as manual lymphatic drainage, relieves swelling that happens when aging, medical treatment or illness blocks your lymphatic system. Lymphatic drainage massage involves gently manipulating specific areas of your body to help lymph move to an area with working lymph vessels.
Ultrasonic cavitation-uses low-frequency sound waves to heat and vibrate the layer of fat cells below the skin’s surface causing pressure, which eventually causes the fat cells to liquify and release their contents to be eliminated safely by the body.

Radio Frequency Technology uses advanced technology that safely heats the deep layers of the skin causing collagen fibres to contract and remodel leaving skin more lifted and tightened. (Radiofrequency can be used for both the face and body)
Laser lypolysis- or laser lipo – uses laser energy to heat the fat on a particular body area to extreme temperatures which causes a process called apoptosis – permanent fat cell death. This is done without damaging or hurting the skin above the fat!
Once the fat cells have died, the body will naturally remove the cells through the lymphatic system, and they will be excreted by the body. Although the procedure is commonly called ‘fat melting’, it doesn’t physically ‘melt’ the fat away.
What areas can be treated?
Areas that can be treated include:
Love Handles/Flanks
Inner and Outer Thighs
Upper Arms/Bingo Wings
Bra and Backs Rolls
Face (RF only)

Does it hurt?
Most patient’s find the treatment to be very comfortable and trouble-free. Some clients experience warmth during the treatment and a small amount of noise discomfort, but there is no pain.
How long is the treatment?
Each session is around 60 minutes. Treating multiple areas is not advisable as the body has to work hard to remove the excess fat that is now passing through the Lymphatic system to the liver. Follow the rule, of one area, one treatment every 72 hours and you will see rapid results.
When will I see results?
Patients can expect to experience a reduction of several cm in circumference after the first treatment following Cavitation. Following RF some results will be seen immediately post treatment however the subsequent repair and remodelling of this deep collagen produces continuing effects over the next 3- 6 months.
How many treatments will I need?
The number of sessions depends on a patient’s age and skin condition. While you will see immediate results in the first session, it maybe necessary to have between 3 and 12 sessions for optimum results. Patients who go through a series of treatments will see an improvement each time the treatment is performed.
How long do results last?
 Results last indefinitely.To maintain the results it is important to follow a healthy low calorie diet and exercise regularly as this service is not a fat loss replacement . It is also important to drink 8 glasses of water a day before and after the treatment. Fat elimination is accelerated by the amount of water your drink therefore, water is key component to eliminating the fat.
Pre-Treatment Preparation

    • Avoid any alcohol 24 hours before treatment

    • Avoid having any laser treatments on the area 2 weeks before treatment

    • Avoid excessive sun exposure 48 hours prior to treatment (we cannot treat skin which has been sunburnt)

    • If the skin is red, irritated or broken, we cannot treat until the skin has completely healed

    • Our treatments are not suitable for those who are pregnant or breastfeeding

    • Please advise of any blood thinning or skin thinning medications you are taking

  • Avoid caffeine 2 hours before treatment

  • Avoid a heavy meal and fatty foods 1 hour before treatment

After care 

  • Showering and cleansing the skin are allowed. A gentle cleanser may be used on the treatment area. Refrain from vigorous rubbing of the skin. Apply product  to the fingertips with tepid water and use gentle, circular motions on the skin.

  • Avoid strenuous exercise for 24 hours.

  • Hydrate well for seven days following procedure.

  • Refrain from tanning or prolonged sun exposure for two weeks after the procedure. Apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen to the treatment area for up to two weeks to avoid incidental sun exposure.

  • Refrain from laser treatments, chemical peels, microdermabrasion, waxing and depilatories for two weeks.


FACE CONTOUR/ REJUVINATION in Calgary, Edmonton and Vancouver 

non surgical face rejuvination  in calgary edmonton and vancouver

 What is Face contour / rejuvenation 
Over time, your skin will show signs of age. It’s natural !  Skin loosens up because it starts to lose proteins called collagen and elastin, the substances that make the skin firm. The result is wrinkles, sagging, and a crepey appearance on your hands, neck, and face‌. If you’re looking to try something other than fillers but don’t want to commit to major surgery, you may want to consider our face contour with  our three step exclusive technique using a type of energy called radio waves, lymphatic massage , laser lipolysis & face definition tools 
Radio frequency- Radio frequency (RF) skin tightening is a nonsurgical skin treatment to firm sagging skin. The procedure can give you a more youthful appearance. By  using safe levels of low-frequency electromagnetic waves to generate heat. This heat penetrates deep into your skin’s layers. There, it stimulates new skin cell production (regeneration). The treatment also stimulates the production of collagen and elastin. These proteins give skin cells more strength and flexibility. As a result, sagging skin regains its firm shape, it also evens out your skin tone and reduces the look of wrinkles and fine lines 
Laser lipolysis- this level of Laser Lipo is not to kill fat cells, but to shrink them. The laser energy penetrates down to the fat cells and creates tiny holes in their membranes. This causes the fat cells to release their stored fatty acids, glycerol, and water into the body and then shrink, resulting in lost inches.
Lymphatic Dainage Massage - 
A lymphatic drainage massage serves to drain buildup of lymphatic fluid within your face. The gentle, light massage treatment enhances circulation in your face by delivering oxygen around the skin and pushing waste and toxins out of the lymph nodes. Using our exclusive techniques to massage your face in the direction of the lymphatic flow to gently stimulate the lymph vessels below your skin. The application of light, directed pressure serves to clear excess fluid and toxins in your face. 
Face definition Tools
Using a combination of our face sculpting tools & a traditional Chinese face contour method Gua Sha ,  we can focus on contouring specific areas like the chin, jawline , frown lines, smile lines l , it can also improve circulation, and relax tense muscles.
How Long Does Radiofrequency Skin Tightening Last?
The effects of radiofrequency skin tightening are not as long-lasting as the effects from surgery‌. But they do last a significant amount of time.
Once you’ve had the treatment, maintenance is necessary for long lasting results you would need to repeat it  a few times a year. Dermal fillers, by comparison, need to be touched up significantly more times per year.   
Effects. You may start to see changes to your skin right away. The most significant improvements to skin tightness will come later. Skin can keep getting tighter up to six months after the radiofrequency treatment. 
Recovery. Normally, since this procedure is completely noninvasive, you won’t have much of a recovery time. You may be able to go back to normal activities right after the treatment. 


NON-SURGICAL VACUUM BREAST LIFT  in Calgary vnvouver and Edmonton

non surgical breast lift in calgary edmonton and vancouver

What is a vacuum breast lift?
A vacuum breast lift is a non-surgical breast lift that is safe and effective. With some ineffective non-surgical breast augmentation treatments on the market, vacuum breast augmentation shows some promise for those seeking non-surgical breast augmentation treatments. While some breast enhancement treatments may cause your breasts to swell slightly, raising them by a few millimeters, vacuum breast lifts are a safer option. This treatment primarily targets the pectoral muscles, helping to lift loose skin. It also aids in lymphatic and blood circulation in the breast, which helps soften localized fat deposits. This revolutionary breast enhancement treatment lifts and shapes your breasts, helping you achieve the confidence and appearance you want.
How does it work?
Vacuum fit breast therapy combines vacuum suction, photodynamic therapy, and micro-current charging. A cup is placed on each breast for a while during this process. The only discomfort you may experience is due to vacuuming, but we can adjust it to a level that relaxes and calms you. We also use FDA-approved vacuums. The vacuum suction contracts and strengthens the breast muscles for firmer breasts and firmer muscles. The forces will have a longer-lasting state during the treatment and become more shapely and more robust, resulting in a fuller-looking breast. This process naturally reduces toxins in the body through the lymphatic system.
How long can the result last?
The results will not be permanent but will last longer. The more sessions you do, the longer the effect will last. Even if you decide to stop treatment, you will not experience permanent scarring. The procedure is usually painless but can be uncomfortable for the first few minutes. Otherwise, it's a relaxing and comfortable process for anyone looking for breast augmentation
What are the side effects of the procedure?
The procedure is 100% non-invasive and non-surgical so that patients can return to normal activities immediately after surgery. Some patients who do this may see some minor redness, bruising, tingling, and discomfort after treatment, but this is only temporary and should go away soon enough to see the real benefits and lasting results!
Post-Treatment Care

  • It is normal for the area to feel warm immediately after the procedure

  • The treated area may be flushed, red and feel tingly

  • Do not wax the treated area for 3-5 days

  • Do not laser the treated area for 2 weeks

  • Do not exfoliate the skin for 2-3 days

  • Avoid hot baths, steam rooms and massage for 24 hrs after treatment

  • Avoid sun burn during the healing process of the skin for 2 weeks after treatment

  • Drink plenty of water

  • A review of your progress is recommended after 12 weeks during a scheduled Follow Up appointment


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